Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Blessings of the Temple

What an amazing Pday! I was able to call my family this morning and talk with them! What a blessing! I'm so excited to be able join my family in doing 'Come Follow Me' and pray with them. As a mission we have had a focus on working/uplifting our members, and as a companionship we have been inviting our members to start or continue doing 'Come Follow Me' and have promised them blessings of closer family relationships and have the spirit in their home. I'm looking forward to seeing those same blessings for my own family. 
Today we had the opportunity to go to the temple. I don't think I can say it enough of how much I love the temple and the feelings when I'm there. A couple of days ago I was studying about the temple and what blesses come from going to the temple. I came across a scripture in D&C 109:22 that says when we leave the temple we are armed with God's name, glory, power and Angels. I was looking forward to going to the temple and feelings those blessings, and now that I've gone I feel rejuvenated and ready to face the world! 
We also had the amazing opportunity to have Zone Conference and be taught by our amazing Mission President, his wife and fellow missionaries. It was exactly what I needed and everything that was mentioned where things I had been studying in my personal study. It was confirming everything I had been learning and gave me more clarification for answers I've had. 
I think the hardest thing of being a missionary is knowing how much this gospel bless people's lives but them being too busy to meet or come to church. I've come to love these people so much and I want to help them all! I'm learning patience and diligence everyday, and learning to rejoice in the moments when people agree to meet with us.
I love this gospel so much! And I'm so grateful to be a missionary! 
Love, Sister Porter 

Monday, February 4, 2019

A Funny Picture from Jill


Weekly Email:


Today is the first day of Chinese New Year! I'm so excited to learn more about this amazing culture and spending time with our amazing Members!

This week has been full of some amazing miracles and good times!

- We played frisbee 3 days in a row this week! It's been a party and so much fun! Funny story: we play at this field that is next to a river and between the river and field is this ginormous thicket of random bushes and other plants. Well at one point the frisbee went into this thicket, haha and it took all 6 Elders to find it. It was hilarious to watch them trying to find it when 1 of the Elders was less than helpful by running around trying to scare them. It might have been a had to be there moment but it was fun!

- We ate dinner with 2 of our members this week.
1. One of the Ward Missionaries and her son. They are absolutely amazing, well we had a planned this amazing spiritual share on faith. Well Emily (the mom) started telling us how God has been testing her faith recently but because of it she has been growing! Totally took the words right out of our mouths! Its amazing to see how when we study for our friends/members how God prepares them to receive our messages.
2. We ate with our Relief Society President and her adorable daughter. After we ate we were talking to the RS President when he daughter asks me to come play Chinese Chess with her. So we go and she is telling me how to play, I'm only understanding about 20% of what shes saying because shes talking super fast and its a 6 year old explaining a game. Well we played, and it consisted of me moving random pieces and her winning. It was hilarious and so much fun!

- Amazing miracles we've seen this week have been from street contacts. That is something I've never been very good at, but Sister Distajo is amazing at! We've been able to get about 6-8 phone numbers and set ups from talking to people. It's so cool to see the miracles from just opening your mouth and doing what the Lord asks. I'm still not the best at it but I'm learning a lot! I absolutely love Taiwan and the people here! They are so nice and incredibly sweet! I've been so blessed to serve them!

I love you all!
Love, Sister Porter 包姐妹

Pictures 2-4-2019

1. The Relief Society President 
2. Emily and Edwin
3.  The field we play Frisbee
4. The district plus a couple sisters (yes sister Griffin!!!) Playing Frisbee
5. The district playing frisbee 
6. And JC, a really cool guy we met who speaks chinese, English and tagalog!