Sunday, October 27, 2019

Spiritual Power

Hello Everyone! 

I can't believe it's the end of October already! On Halloween I'll have hit one year in Taiwan, I can't believe time has gone so fast!
This week has been so good in a lot of different ways. It was a little frustrating because we weren't able to meet with any of our friends, either they were out of town, didn't have time, or they forgot about our appointment and didn't show up. I'm praying that we can meet with all of them this week.

We had Zone Conference this week which was so good! We talked about how to work with our members, becoming more consecrated, the Covenant path, and becoming Christ-like.
Our mission President invited us to repent every night we come home, to see what we can do better and than afterwards rejoice! Wow, what a difference I have seen. Its helped me know how I need to do better but also be happy knowing I can be better. 
Our mission President's wife invited us all to Study and work on an attribute of Savior for the next month or so until our Christmas Zone Conference. It was so hard to pick one so I picked two! 
1. Faith
2. Diligence 
So I will keep Studying and working on it and let you know how it goes afterwards. 

I went on a two amazing exchanges this last week, with Sister Dalton & Sister Wang. They are both absolutely amazing! Something I found so amazing about both of them was their diligence in serving. No matter where we were or what we were doing they did everything in their power to share the gospel. I absolutely love them and their example.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to serve my mission! I love this gospel and love the people of Taiwan!

Love, 包姐妹❤

Picture 10-27-2019

Lunch with our amazing member Grace

Our cool fireside after English class

Zone Conference 

 Exchanges with sister Dalton 

The morning of Stake Conference we had all of our sisters in our apartment! We made French toast! Party!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pictures 10-20-2019

Haha I'm sorry this week I have a couple things I need to get done today so it will just be some pictures!

Exchanges with Sister DeLong!!!

Family History

New Friends

A returning member (Sister Li 李姐妹) we are starting to work with!

An adorable member (Sister Jiang 江姐妹) and her fat cat

The beautiful hike we went on this morning! TAIWAN IS THE BEST 

Pday last week we went to a park and a slide that consisted of us needing to wearing helmets

English class teachers!!!

So Wednesday's my comp and I dont teach English class but are the door people of helping people find classrooms. However, the other sisters were teaching about describing people by their physical attributes, well both of them a dark haired and dark eye colored. So they came and got me so the kids could describe my hair & eye color. This picture is the kids trying to guess my eye color (the problems of Hazel eyes and they aren't a clear color) 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pictures 10-13-2019



The trio! Gotta love my Sister Griffin and Sister Player❤

Conference Weekend & Spiritual Guidance

Hello Family and Friends!

Last Monday we went to a national park called Taroko! Oh my goodness absolutely gorgeous! I felt like I was in Utah for a little bit. It was so much fun! We went with one of the friends we are teaching which just made it even better!

We visited multiple different members this week. Everytime we visit them I just love them even more!

The best part of my week was General Conference! I feel like all of my questions that I had were addressed in this last Conference. To me there was three main topics
1. Trust God, He has knows what is best for everyone. 
2. We need to be doing better. We are doing ok right now but still half hearted, we need to give our all in.
3. Personal Revelation is key! We need our own testimonies and know how to communicate with God.
I absolutely loved it!

Lastly I had the most amazing experience yesterday! In my personal study I was studying about how to better recognize the Holy Ghost and his promptings. Afterwards, we were heading to comp study and my companion asked me where I wanted to go. This past week I kept picturing a 7-11 that was way out into our area and had passed once. This 7-11 came to mind and so we started going. This was about a 30 minute bike ride, and so on the way I was still pondering my personal study. I was praying to be able to recognize the spirit, when we got to a stop light and I heard a quite voice in my head say "turn left". I doubted at first and when I looked down the street there was not really anything there. I kept getting this feeling I needed to turn left so I told my companion we needed to turn left and so we did. We continue biking down this street and my prayer gets even stronger, I just wanted to know why we were in this area. We tried talking to people on the streets but no one would listen. We kept biking and at one point I looked down a small street that branched off the street I was on, and then I heard the voice again "turn right". Faster than last time I quick told my companion and we turned down the street. We biked for a little bit and we saw a sign for the neighborhood "Empire Castle". We both stopped immediately and were shocked. why? Because we are teaching a cute Filipino woman that recently moved and since then has been hard to get in contact with. She had sent us a partial address which part of it was living in Empire Castle. After searching we finally found her house! She wasn't home but we finally found her! IT WAS A MIRACLE!

I know that if we pray for, study, and search we will be guided by the Holy Ghost. And as we follow those promptings we will continue to be guided. I know God lives and is aware of all us. He loves us and knows what is best. All we must do is trust Him.


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Pictures 10-6-2019

1. Last frisbee day of the transfer

2. Last District Council (BURRY THE WEAPONS)

3. Our new friend Sandra! 

4. My adorable comp and I on a bridge, the lighting was too good to pass up

5. We played jenga during on Sunday dinner, and I thought it was pretty cool so here is a pic

Bury the Weapons


This week has been a pretty good one! It was the end of another transfer, and our zone has added some new friends.

For our last District Council our district leader had us do a scavenger hunt in order to earn our mango smoothies from the local drink shop, lol! We had an amazing discussion about Alma 23&24, and burying our weapons. We talked about how we all have weapons that hold us back from becoming who God wants/needs us to be. We all wrote down what things where keeping us back from becoming, and than we took the paper and ripped up representing us burying our weapons. I absolutely loved this because the past week I had been studying about becoming truly converted and consecrated to the Lord. This activity really helped me be honest with myself of what was holding me back and what I needed to do to move past it.

We are meeting with a mom named Joy who really is amazing, we taught her the Plan of Salvation and told her that she could be with her family forever. It was really cool at the end of the lesson she told us she didn't know if this was true, but she really hoped that it was. Its amazing to watch her faith grow a little bit everytime we meet with her.

In one of the wards we cover their is an amazing recent convert who has two kids under the age of 5. She comes to church every week and brings them with her, they usually the run around everywhere. Sunday was Fast and Testimony meeting, this amazing sister stood up to bear her testimony, while her 3 year old crawled on the pulpit and her 5 year bahled next to her. Her testimony was short and sweet. What made this special was her husband who isn't a member was sitting in the congregation. I know I felt the spirit and I hope he was able to feel it too.

I'm so grateful to be a member of this amazing church! I know you've all listened to General Conference already, but I'm so excited to listen to it this weekend! I know President Nelson is called of God and receives revelation for us. I know the Book of Mormon is true, and through the Book of Mormon we can strengthen our testimonies.
