Monday, December 31, 2018

Pictures 12-31-2018

1. My cute siblings and I when I called
2. They let me lick the brownie bowl
3. My cute comp making Tex-Mex rice
4. Eating Watermelon with chopsticks of course
5. Us with Kerry (our less active member we ate dinner with)
6. I found somewhere that serves Mint chocolate chip ice cream!!!!!!! 
7. My comp was sick so I made her wear a mask
8. One of our English classes playing the present game








Weekly Email: Happy (Western) New Year! 新年快樂!


I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! And a great New Year! I can't even believe 2018 is already over, it's now the time I scratch out the date on everything because I write the wrong year...

Looking back on this year so much has happened, but the one thing I think changed the most is my relationship with my Savior. Now I know that's the typical Missionary response, but it's so true! Looking back to before I was preparing for my mission to now I can see the change. I've learned what it means to trust the Lord completely. I love this gospel so much, and I've seen the blessings that come from living it. Being able to see the change it makes in people's lives (even if it's just a little bit at a time) is amazing.

Some of the highlights from this week:

- I got to call my family! It was so much fun to talk to them and see their faces. Even if I cried for the majority of the time, it was so much fun!

- we celebrated Christmas in our English classes, we did the present game where you try to unwrap with some sort of utensil (we used chopsticks, no surprise). And at the center was a picture of Christ, we talked about how Christ is the true gift of Christmas. 

- We ate dinner with one of our less active memebers. She is super sweet and so much fun to be around. She was super shy at first but has opened a lot since then and not only to us but to memebers too!

- Yesterday we met with this cool lady named Amy, she met with the missionaries about 5 years ago but felt like her faith wasn't strong enough to be baptized. The spirit in her home was so strong, that both Amy and I cried at some point while talking with her. It's going to be interesting to see what happens when we keep meeting with her. I hope we can help her see that her faith is strong, and it's ok to not have a perfect understanding. 

I love you all so much! I hope you have an amazing new year! 

Love, Sister Porter  

Monday, December 24, 2018

Pictures 12-24-2018

1. English class we talked about games, somehow we ended up playing Just Dance. Probably not allowed but our Bishop pulled it up... it was dang funny!
2. Sister Griffin (my future comp) and I making it snow with the packing peanuts
3. My MTC family at our 6 week follow up
4. Sister Griffin and I getting all the packages home on our bikes
5. My cute trainer and I at a Caroling thingy
6. Our friend Elisa after our Christmas Concert (she has a baptismal date for January 19th)
7. My comp and I took a pic for Christmas Eve 





Merry Christmas! 聖誕節快樂🎄

Merry Christmas everyone!
I hope you all have absolutely amazing Christmas day!

This Christmas has been so much fun and I'm so grateful I have the opportunity to spend it in Taiwan as a missionary!

-We set our friend Izzie up for a baptismal date! She is so cute and so ready! I'm so excited for her!

-Zone Conference, we talked about the different names of Christ and which is our favorite and why. I had the opportunity to share mine, The light of the Wolrd. I love this name so much because I know it's by his light we see all the beautiful things around us.

-Sister Griffin, Sister Andersen and their comps got to spend the night with us because of different meetings and its to far for them to travel back and forth.

-Our Christmas concert! Oh my gosh it was so cool because we had so many people there, and at the end of it our Mission President got up and told everyone the good feeling they were feeling was the Holy Ghost. And invited everyone to be baptized over the pulpit. One of our friends we've been trying to set up with her husband came up to us and both her and her husband asked us what they need to do to prepare for baptism! So cool!

- funny story, so last night we had dinner at a members house with 4 of our Elders in our district. When we went to leave I bent down to put on my shoes well my hair got caught in my comps backpack zipper. So if your were curious it takes 2 elders and 1 sister missionary about 5 minutes to get someone's hair out of a zipper😅😂

I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for this Christmas season!

Haha sorry if this email is a little scattered... I'm a tad excited to call my family!

I love you all and Merry Christmas! 我愛你們! 聖誕節快樂

Love, Sister Porter 包姐妹

Monday, December 17, 2018

Pictures 12-17-2018

1. Caroling at the Carrefour. That is Elder Feikai in the front, he was very excited to sing.
2. Us with our memebers who came to sing with us.
3. Diana took us out to eat at a Korean place in honor of Elder Park who is Korean.
4. Our ward Christmas party
5. Us and Kerry, she is an Less Active and is super sweet! 
6. Us and our English class
7&8. Our district eating at 2 members house

1st Transfer✔


Hello everyone! I hope you are all having an amazing Christmas season!
This week has been kind of crazy. I finished my first transfer, where has the time gone I don't even know! So in our mission the Sisters can only teach women and families and the Elders can only teach men families. So my companion and I are over 5 areas, so trying to set all them up with memebers from their ward to help in the lesson has been kind of crazy. But so much fun because we have the opportunity to meet more people from the other wards.

Some of the fun things we've done this week in the Celebration of Christmas

- we went caroling at the Carrefour (Taiwan's Walmart) with other missionaries and members. It was so much fun! We had some little kids from the ward who helped us hand stuff out, they honestly just would go hand people stuff and they would take it because they're so cute!

- we had a ward Christmas party, which was super fun. We had about 10 friends come who are looking into the Gospel. It was such a miracle!

- we also have been caroling and taking Christmas cards to our members

We met this really cool lady named Diana after English class. She was actually baptized when she was 8 but left the church in her teenage years because she felt like it didn't feel home anymore. But since we've met her we have had her come to activities and meet some of the memebers. And she says it feels more like home, so yay!

I have been learning so much and I'm so grateful for this opportunity to be a missionary! I love this gospel so much and it has helped my life so much!

I love you all! 我愛你們!❤

Love, Sister Porter 包姐妹

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Monday, December 10, 2018

Pictures 12-10-2018

P-day Hike 12-10-2018

For pday today we went and visited the beautiful sister missionaries in Yilan! We went on this gorgeous hike, it had 2 really big waterfalls. Just so beautiful! It was so much fun! And of course I got to spend time with the Legend Rachel Griffin! Absolutely love her! Not all the pics from it but just a couple!


Choir Concerts, Korean Cookies, and Santa hats!


I don't have tons of time, so may emails may be getting shorter. First of all I hope you are all having an amazing Christmas season! It such an amazing time of year, and its always been my favorite time! It's become even better because I get to share the amazing gospel of Jesus Christ with the story/celebrating of his birth!

I'm loving Taiwan! I love the people and the food is delicious (I haven't eaten anything super weird yet, but I did eat my first clam the other day).

Some highlights from this week

- So we teach a free English class on Wednesday with our district. Well one of our Elders is from Korea so for his Korean class they made Korean Cookies. Let me tell ya they were pretty yummy!

-We bought Santa hats! Just a tad bit excited about that

-We had the amazing opportunity to go sing at a Christmas Concert this week. It was so much fun and the spirit was so strong!

-It was our wards primary program yesterday and the kids were adorable. To make it even better we had 3 of our friends come with us to Sacrament meeting! They all said the little kids had a sweet spirit around them, and they just felt happy!

-A miracle of the week, we've been meeting with an Older Gentleman named 高弟兄 (Gao). He has been looking into religion for the past 20 years or so, and he has liked our church a lot so far. We meet with him and were teaching him the Plan of Salvation and it was going really good. My comp invited him to accept a baptism date, and we thought he would tell us no or maybe later. He actually said Yes! He said he still needs to figure some stuff out and might have to push the date back but he set one!

It's just so exciting! I love being a missionary and I love Taiwan! I'm learning so much every day!

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Love, Sister Porter

Monday, December 3, 2018

Pictures 12-03-2018


Merry Christmas everyone!!!

So it hasn't been very long since my last email. The temple was absolutely amazing! I just love the temple so much! We got to do sealings they were in Chinese and I didn't understand a lot of what was being said but the spirit was still so strong!

We had English class on Thursday and we had 3 new families come because we had passed out English flyers earlier that week! So amazing and such a blessing!

We had a new member fireside last night, it was so good! And two of our friends came with us, and they both really liked it! So many blessings!

I just love my mission so much! It hasn't always been easy, but I've learned that I honestly can't do this with the Savior. I know he is mindful of us and will help us. Ahh I just love this gospel so much!!!

I love you all and hope you have an amazing Christmas Season!!

Love you all!