Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Weekly: The Power Week, oh and I ate a Fish Eye

Hello everyone! It's not Monday but its pday because we get to go to the Temple! I'm so excited to go to the temple, it feels like so long since we've been last time.

This week has been so good!!! There is so much so here is the run down:

~ last pday we went with our friend Johnny and his wife to go visit some beautiful scenic areas. It qas absolutely gorgeous, we went to a lake and then cooked food in a hot spring! It was absolutely yummy.

~ I went on exchanges with the one and only Sister Zaitz. She came down to Yilan with me, which was just happy memories for her because she has served there before. We visited a couple of members and they all just love her!

~ We had a Stake Beach Baptism on Saturday! Oh my goodness it was so special and absolutely beautiful! A man named Atta was baptized, what is so special about Atta is that our Elders have been teaching him for 10 years and never has been baptized. But the day finally came and everything worked out that he could be baptized! It was such a happy moment for everyone! 

~ After the Stake Beach Baptism everyone who came went and ate lunch together. I tried shark, which is actually really yummy. Then one of our Young Men, Slide, and I got on the topic of someone eating the fish's eyes. Haha well because of a bad deal Slide ate the eye and then I ate it! I would never do it again, but I now can cross that off my list!

~ We had Zone Conference this week which I absolutely loved! We focused a lot on the spirit and how we need to help others feel the spirit. Its just amazing how everytime we get together as a Mission we discuss the things I've been working on. I can just feel Heavenly Father's love and I know he is mindful of us!

I absolutely love my mission and I'm so grateful for this experience! I'm so happy! I love you all!

Have a great week!

Love, Sister Porter 

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