Sunday, November 24, 2019

True Happiness

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all have had an amazing week. And HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

As you all know a mission has its ups and downs. There are hard moments and great moments! 
This week had a mixture of both. Adjusting of the transfer has been a little harder because we cover two areas and are crazy busy!
We had to go to Taipei this week because of MLC (mission leadership council) and when we got there both my companion and I were a little stressed with everything on our to do list. During the council we talked a lot about becoming a disciple of Christ and how we do that. As our meeting continued I felt very peace and questions answered. It was as if a rock on my shoulder had gotten a little lighter. 
Later this week we had interviews with President and we talked a lot about everything going on and what we are doing to be able to accomplish everything. At one point President asked me one simple question that I've pondered a lot since then. "Are your relying on the Lord or yourself?"
This really made me think about how I'm doing the work. I've tried really hard in every situation to think what would the Savior do and then do that. It hasn't been perfect and there are still moments where its really hard. But I always remember that the Savior will lift me up and consecrate everything I do. 

I know that as we rely on the Lord than we will be able to carry the load we've been called to carry. We will be able to find true happiness in every step of the way.

Love, Sister Porter 

Pictures from the week!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

New Chapters

Hello everyone!

I hope you all have had an amazing week! I can't believe its already November, the times flies by so fast. Its starting to get a little cold here, and by that I mean in the 70°s😅🤣 

This week has been BUSY!!! We had our transfers this week, so I went from living with 3 other sisters to just my companion and I, and from covering half of Hualian to all of it. Everyday we have ran around like crazy trying to get everything done. I honestly have been loving it! I love being busy and the feeling you get when you go home and are exhausted from constantly going. 

This Sunday was our Primary program which was absolutely adorable! Then what made it even more perfect was our cute Filipina friend Judy came and loved it! Afterwards she told us how excited she was to learn about this gospel so she can teach her kids and have them have the same happiness. It really made my heart happy!

What was amazing as the kids shared their short and simple testimonies the spirit was so strong! I know that no matter where our testimonies are at the spirit will always be present. We don't need a grand experience to have a testimony, it all starts with this small hope and faith that it's true. 

I hope you have a great week! 我愛你們
❤ 包姐妹

Here are a bunch of pictures from this last week! Enjoy😊👍

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Its November but feels like June

I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season!
This week has been crazy because of prepping for the end of the transfer. We are combining our area with other sisters so we've been busy. And its Sister Valencia and Sister DeLong's last pday so we are making today count!
I love you all!
Enjoy some pictures! 

Love, Sister Porter 😊

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Pictures 11-3-2019

Our Halloween Costumes

English Class making Mud

Our new friends; Emma, Miss Li and Judy

Our Primary Missionary activity!

Children and their love for the Savior

I hope you all have had an amazing Halloween Week! We certainly have, in our English class we talked about costumes and made some delicious icecream/oreo/gummy worm mud. And than we had a ward party where the Elders dressed up as Taiwanese flavored milk (papaya, watermelon, apple, etc.) And we dressed up as the Elders! We originally told them we were going to be the different Hogwart houses and asked if we could borrow ties so you can bet they were a little surprised when we came in with big fake nametags with their names on it. Definitely a party!

This week we have multiple opportunities to work with children and I would love to share two experiences with you.
1. Our Primary had an activity this week about being a missionary. We were asked to attend and to bring one of our extra name tags. After discussing what missionaries do all day we had the opportunity to let one of the primary kids where wear one of our nametags while they shared with us what part of the gospel made them happy.
Side story, while discussing about how missionaries share their testimonies one of the girls (10yrs. Old) told us she didn't think she had a testimony and didn't know how to share something she didn't have. I ended up being paired with this little girl, and while she told me about her feelings of when she was baptized I got this warm feeling inside. This little girl had a testimony and she didn't even know it. When she finished I told her that was her testimony and she looked me and loudly said "Really?!?!? Mom! I have a testimony!" It really just made my heart happy.
2. One of our friends brought her two kids (girl 9yrs old & boy 7yrs old) to our lesson with her on Saturday. We gave them a chapel tour and talked about all the pictures of Jesus on the wall. After walking around, having a race in the gym (where I lost sadly), we went back into a classroom to talk about it. It was the first time the kids had ever heard of Jesus, and so we were curious what they thought. We asked the daughter what she thought and she quietly responded "I like Jesus. I don't know why, I just like Him." I showed her more pictures of Him on my phone while my companion talked to her mom. She was so interested in Him, especially if it was picture with Him and children. We asked her if she wanted to learn more Jesus and she told us! We are now teaching all three of them and we are beyond excited.
The daughter helped us say the closing prayer, and it really hit me as she was praying how happy Heavenly Father must have been in that moment. Here was one of his precious daughters who hadn't spoken with him for 9 years and she was saying her first prayer. That just made me so happy! It really testified to me of how much God really loves us and wants to the best for all of us.

This experiences with God's precious children helped me really know God loves us all, no matter where we are or what we are going through. He loves us!

I hope you all have an amazing week and are able to feel God's love for you.
我愛你們. 神愛你們.