Monday, June 24, 2019

Elisa's Baptism Pictures

Pictures 6-24-2019

1. Getting 20 Gospel Conversations we rewarded ourselves with some Yakult!

2. Splits with Natalie (in the back) and Carly (in the front)
3&4. some of our members trying the stick pull
5. Sister Player taught them how to make friendship bracelets 
6. Me vs Giant, Crystal and Elder Steffen in a stick pull. I can proudly say I held my ground until we broke the stick...
7,8&9. District Bonding over making s'mores 

10. Reporting with Sister Training Leaders

Chopsticks, Marshmallows and a Flamethrower


The past couple of days have been so amazing! Our mission has a goal that everyday every companionship talks to at least 20 new people inviting them to learn more about our Savior. We've been focusing a lot on that lately, trying hard to talk to everyone! We've had some really cool experiences from doing so!

~ Thursday we called a bunch of Less Active members asking if we could come visit them. A miracle happened! I called someone on our list and when I told her we were the missionaries she got so excited! She told me that as soon as finished moving to another city we could come visit. On top of that she told me that me calling her that afternoon was God's plan because that morning she had been packing her Bible and Book of Mormon and she had the desire to call the missionaries but didn't have our phone number. She gladly set up with us in July and we are really looking forward to meeting her!
That same day Sister Player and I when visiting some less actives turned our bikes around SOO many times so we could go back to talk to someone who had waved at us. We had so much fun talking to people and got to meet some really cool people!

~ Friday was also an amazing contacting day! We went on splits with two amazing returned missionaries, I went with Carly and Sister Player went with Natalie. Carly and I went and knocked while my companion went to a sports park across the street to talk to people on the running track. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Every door answered, not all of them were willing to listen but it left us with such a good feeling from baring testimony that through Jesus Christ we could find happiness! Because of our amazing member missionaries we reached our goal of 20 invites/gospel conversations!

~ Saturday was absolutely hilarious! We had English class where we played 20 questions and almost lost because one of students had picked UFO. I saw an Elder from MTC district in the train station coincidentally. Then in preparation for our Family History/American Culture ward activity our district made s'mores! Haha we attempted to start a fire with coals and a flame thrower which did not work, luckily for us we also had an electric grill. Because we are in Asia we had to use chopsticks to roast the marshmallows which actually worked really well! We are pro s'mores makers! Our activity went really well too! We taught them what a stick pull was, an animal guessing game and one you try to make each other laugh. To sum it up we made memories!

~ Sunday Elisa from my first area and who I taught since my first transfer was baptized! I got to go back to Bitan for her baptism which was so exciting, because I got to see her smiling and just so happy, as well as seeing members I absolutely adore and miss!

I've learned so much this week and am so blessed to be a missionary here in Taiwan! I know that the spirit will guide us and lots of the times we won't recognize his promptings until later. I didn't realize at the time when I called specific Less Active that she had been wanting to get ahold of the missionaries but He knew and led me to call her. I also know that missionary work is not for the missionaries alone, working with members makes things more efficient and gives members an opportunity to share their testimonies in a way that might never have done before. Missionary work is meant to be fun and happy! We share a happy message and one that will change others lives, so we need to make sure we are sharing it happily! Lastly that everyone has their own timing, and we just need to trust that all will work out in the end.

I love this gospel and am grateful for everything I've been learning! I love all of you!

Love, Sister Porter

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Weekly: The Power Week, oh and I ate a Fish Eye

Hello everyone! It's not Monday but its pday because we get to go to the Temple! I'm so excited to go to the temple, it feels like so long since we've been last time.

This week has been so good!!! There is so much so here is the run down:

~ last pday we went with our friend Johnny and his wife to go visit some beautiful scenic areas. It qas absolutely gorgeous, we went to a lake and then cooked food in a hot spring! It was absolutely yummy.

~ I went on exchanges with the one and only Sister Zaitz. She came down to Yilan with me, which was just happy memories for her because she has served there before. We visited a couple of members and they all just love her!

~ We had a Stake Beach Baptism on Saturday! Oh my goodness it was so special and absolutely beautiful! A man named Atta was baptized, what is so special about Atta is that our Elders have been teaching him for 10 years and never has been baptized. But the day finally came and everything worked out that he could be baptized! It was such a happy moment for everyone! 

~ After the Stake Beach Baptism everyone who came went and ate lunch together. I tried shark, which is actually really yummy. Then one of our Young Men, Slide, and I got on the topic of someone eating the fish's eyes. Haha well because of a bad deal Slide ate the eye and then I ate it! I would never do it again, but I now can cross that off my list!

~ We had Zone Conference this week which I absolutely loved! We focused a lot on the spirit and how we need to help others feel the spirit. Its just amazing how everytime we get together as a Mission we discuss the things I've been working on. I can just feel Heavenly Father's love and I know he is mindful of us!

I absolutely love my mission and I'm so grateful for this experience! I'm so happy! I love you all!

Have a great week!

Love, Sister Porter 

Pictures 6-19-2019

1. District Bonding
2. Cooking food in a hot spring
3. Lunch with Johnny
4. Johnny took us to drive these!
5. Sister Zaitz
6. The beach of the beach baptism
7. Me and my cute companion 
8. A gorgeous view we saw with our ward
9. The beach baptism
10. Zone Conference 
11. Our zone

Monday, June 10, 2019

Dragon Boat Festival

What a crazy busy week! This week our focus was on contacting Less Active members, we tried to visit/call 15 from 3 different cities. It's been a learning experience meeting and trying to understand their stories because every one of them are different. We received different answers of being hung up on, no answer, welcomed us in but didn't want us to come back, to people welcoming us back. I'm really excited to better meet them and help them feel God's love for them.

Some highlights from this week

~Pday! We played games with our Elders and we used Andes mints for "tokens". It was hilarious! (There will be a picture coming soon) It's been a little bit of a change going from 10 missionaries in my district in Bitan to only the 4 of us on Yilan. I'm grateful I've gotten to serve around these amazing missionaries!

~ In the past two weeks we have received two referrals from a family and they are amazing! They both have genuine interest in learning what kind of relationship they can have with God. They both ask amazing questions! It's also been really funny getting to know these members too! I've been really blessed having amazing members in both of my areas so far!

~ Friday was Dragon Boat Festival!!! Sadly we didn't get see any of the races but we got eat a traditional food they only eat around this time, it's called a 粽子. Its sticky rice with meat, mushrooms, sometimes eggs all wrapped up in bamboo leaves. They have to sit for a really long time, but are super yummy!!!

~ Saturday was an adventure for us! We played basketball in the morning with our friend Jason and the Elders. We taught English Class that afternoon which was fun! Afterwards we learned it was Florence's birthday (a family we use to teach) they asked if us and the Elders wanted to eat cake with them. What we thought would be a half an hour turned into them driving us to a bakery and than a lake. It was unexpected but really helped our relationship with them grow!

Something I've been studying and focusing on a lot these past couple of weeks is Charity and Love. If I'm being honest when I first came on my mission I didn't know how I was going to develop love for people I never met before. But now I have a lot of love for the people of Taiwan and it keeps growing everyday! It's not always easy because we get rejected a lot, or we realize people only talk to us because we are American. But we talk to them anyways! I love being a missionary and I love having the opportunity to meet so many amazing people!

Love, Sister Porter

Pictures 6-10-2019

1. Last weeks pday!

2. We saw a gorgeous field of flowers so we had to take a picture 
3. Ginormous Buddhist temple in the rice fields!
4. Kidnapped at the lake;)
5. 粽子!!!
6. Squishing in the car when we got kidnapped;)
7. Ann and Willy brought silk worms to church!
8. I've been teaching Ann and Willy cursive after English class
9. We taught Ann and Willy the games cats cradle. They love it!!!
10. I think this picture is just funny so I had to add it! 🤣


Monday, June 3, 2019

9 Months & Space!


I can't believe how fast time has flown by! I feel like it was only a couple weeks ago I left the MTC, and now I'm at my half way mark! Another transfer has come and gone, Sister Player and I will be staying another transfer together in Yilan! We have had such a good time together and I've learned a lot! Sister Player is all about making things fun, so with every activity we do she makes sure we are having fun! She has definitely made me laugh a lot this transfer!

This week we have really focused on finding some less active members. We biked to a city called Yuanshan it's absolutely gorgeous!

We tried finding a specific address and got a little confused. So I went and asked a guy pulling weeds if he knew the address. He told us yes and asked who we were looking for, we told him and asked if he knew her. He gave us this big smile and said "I know her very well". We must have looked confused because he then told us it was his wife! Haha it was funny and we laughed about it as he went to see if she was home. Sadly she wasn't, but he welcomed to come back sometime!

We started teaching a lady named 陳玟妤 (Chen MinYu), she is a member referral and is absolutely amazing! She has the biggest desire to understand God and what kind of relationship she can have with him. She asks such good questions that Sister Player and I really need to think about. When we first met with her she wasn't overly willing to come to church. However, we met with her again and after both us and her member friends bore testimony of how church helps us better meet Heavenly Father she was willing to give it a try! I've left both lessons feeling more edified than I walked in!

Our Saturday English class was so much fun! Sister Player and I taught about Space! We had them draw their very own aliens and then describe them to us. We also gave them a planet and they had only could only take 3 things with them, it was so funny! A cute mom Rebecca and her daughter Ginny went to a jungle planet and they took food, candy and water with them. Ann and I went to a planet covered in volcanoes and only had bugs on it so we took ice water, sunscreen and sandwhichs with us. Then Willy and his mom Florence went to a planet that is always raining and has fish in the sky they took fire, umbrellas and arrows. I love our English classes!

Sunday we had stake conference so we got to go to Taipei! A less Active member came with us, her name is Sister Xu. It was so fun! When a member saw her they got so excited and would come hug her! They all love her so much!


Love, Sister Porter 

Pictures 6-3-2019

 1. This is how Sister Player eats her mangos, isn't she cute?🤣
2. Cute statues we found on our way to Yuanshan! Bonus we matched with them!
3. Biking to Yuanshan 
4. I've been collecting Taiwanese pennies since in training, I'm at 612!
5. Flowers!
6. We tried the famous smoothies in Yilan!
7. Solid District unity! Our Elders think we're crazy!
8. Our aliens from English class!