Monday, January 7, 2019

Weekly Email: HAPPY NEW YEAR!


It's been so exciting to start a new year while on my mission, setting new gloals and resolutions that are all focused on missionary work has definitely helped me learn to make better goals. 

This week in our English class we talked about setting goals, and resolutions. Which was amazing because I now get to keep all my English students accountable for their goals, and they get to keep me accountable for mine! 

My companion had this brilliant idea to help our primary and ward get more involved in missionary work. We made all the kids in our primary future missionary nametags, and every time they invite someone to church they get to add a sticker to the back of their tag and get a piece of candy. They're so cute and were all very excited to tell us about their friends they invited to church. 

We also had the amazing opportunity to go on exchanges this week. I went with Sister Meeks, who is absolutely adorable! We spent the day talking and her sharing her wisdom about working with members, and getting out of my comfort zone. 

Our mission has really been focusing on member missionary work, because it's been proven that when members are involved in missionary work it goes a lot better and more efficient. This has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone because our members only speak Chinese, and so talking to them can sometimes be hard because I don't know everything they're saying. But I've realized the more I talk to memebers the more I've come to love them and really get to know them. I absolutely love the members in my ward, they're absolutely amazing and I'm so lucky to have them!

I love you all and hope you all have amazing weeks! 

Love, Sister Porter 

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