Monday, January 28, 2019

Weekly Email: Out of Training


I hope you are all doing amazing and enjoying yourselves this beautiful January day. Another Transfer has come and gone which is so weird because I feel like I got to Taiwan just a couple a week or so ago. I'm sad to report Sister Garner was transferred down to Hualian (it's the same distance from Logan to Provo, about 2-3 hours on a bus). I was very sad to see her leave, I'll admit I cried (no surprise there). Its amazing to see how much one person can influence your life in only a few months, I learned a lot from her and I'll miss her.

But to every end there is a new beginning, I recieved a new companion, Sister Distajo! She is from the Philippines ( that is 2 companions from the Philippines now), she has been in Taiwan for 5 transfers now and before that visa waited in the Layton/Ogden mission for 1 transfer. She is hilarious and is constantly making me laugh.

Some highlights from this week:

- We played frisbee on the last day of the transfer, it was so much fun! Sister Garner I spent more time goofing around than actually playing, but we had a party! - We had dinner with a bunch of the youth and our friend Izzie came with us!

- Sister Distajo and I ate dinner with one of our friends Sabrina and her family. We didn't get much of a spiritual share in at dinner but on the car ride back we talked the whole time about Christ and how we know personally that this gospel is true. It's amazing to see that when you're trying your hardest to do God's work how he will help you. Sister Distajo and I both were able to bear testimony to her of how we know this gospel is true. For me personally I expressed some thoughts I didn't think I knew how to Express in Chinese. The gift of tongues is real and I feel blessed to know that my Savior is watching over me.

- All of our friends are progressing, Chinese New Year is coming up so they've slowed down a little bit. But our friend Elisa is almost ready to be baptized, and will be making her date for February 12th! We are so excited for her. She has been golden the whole way through, and I couldn't be happier for her. In my personal Study I've been reading 3 Nephi when Christ comes to the Americas and is teaching the people. I feel so blessed and closer to my Savior when I read these chapters. I know that his restored gospel is on the Earth today!

I love you all so much! 我愛你們!

Love, Sister Porter 包姐妹

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