Monday, January 21, 2019

Weekly: End of Training & FHE


This week was my last full week being in training... weird! The time is flying past, I honestly feel like I got to Taiwan just a week ago but it's almost been 3 months. I'm so excited to see what the rest of my mission holds but I'm also sad to say goodbye to Sister Garner. I have honestly learned so much from her, and she's shaped my mission. Its interesting how much impact one person can make in someone's life.

This Thursday I get to pick up my new companion, I'm so excited! And ready for the next chapter.

This week was full of amazing miracles!

- we've had the opportunity to eat meals with some members and really be able to connect with them. They all try so hard to do missionary work, and it makes our lives so much easier. I'm so grateful for the people in Taiwan because they all want to share the joy they receive from the gospel with others!

- We met wit Izzie this week, she's been super busy lately with final exams. It was so fun to down and talk with her. We shared part of the Book of Mormon with her and it was cool to see her connect bits and pieces together.

- We met with the Guo family twice this week. Once with our Bishop's wife and a second time at a Family Home Evening at our Bishop's house with another family. It was so much fun!!! We taught them the Plan of Salvation, played a fun game and Sister Huang (the Bishop's wife) is the sweetest lady on the planet, she found out my favorite food was my mom's quesadillas so she found a recipe and learned how to make them and shared them with us at family home evening. I've been so blessed to have such an amazing ward family!

- We tried to have language study outside this week but kept getting eaten by bugs so that ended quickly..

I'm honestly so grateful for my mission, and all the opportunities I've had while I'm here. I'll be honest there had been some hard times, having confidence in my abilities to speak Chinese is something I've struggled with but I've really come to trust and rely on the Lord. Whenever I teach a lesson or am just talking to someone and I mess up grammatically or with a word I remember that my Chinese is never going to be perfect but if I try the Lord will help the people I'm talking feel the spirit. 

This is truly the Lord's work and I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of it. I love all the moments I've had the good and the bad. Because in every opportunity I grow. 

I love you all so much and hope you are all doing amazing!


Love, Sister Porter  包姐妹

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