Monday, July 8, 2019

The End of an Era


If you can believe it or not I have been in Yilan with Sister Player for 2 transfers already. She is leaving this Thursday and what's even crazier is that I'm training! I'm nervous but also super excited!

This last week we've added to all the memories:

~GIANT WAS BAPTIZED!!! This our ward mission leader's son, who turned 8 this year but has been skeptical of being baptized, but a couple of weeks ago he decided to get baptized. It was such an exciting moment! Sister Player and I decided this is how moms must feel when their own child gets baptized, because we were both so happy!

~ Our friends Sister Zhuang her two kids attended the baptism and really liked it! They are absolutely hilarious and I love them! They understand everything we teach them, and told us the other day how they've been reading the children's Book of Mormon together as a family at night. It just makes my heart so happy to see people feel the love and happiness that the gospel can give. They truly have been prepared.

~ Thursday we ate dinner with a Less Active member and she invited 5 friends! It was so good! One of them brought her grandson who is 10 and speaks pretty much fluent English. The whole dinner he talked to me about Pokémon, I know nothing about it but he insisted! It was hilarious and made my entire day! His grandma liked our spiritual thought and us speaking English with him that they are coming to English class on Wednesday!

~ For Pday we went to a place called JiuFen with the elders and our friend Jeremy. Oh my goodness it was crazy hot! Lots of fun! We had a two hour bus home which was a little rough, but I got some really cool pictures!

I think one of the hardest things about being a missionary is you meet such an amazing people but then have to say good bye to them with 3 to 6 months. And even though it's hard I'm so grateful for everyone I have met on my mission, companions, members, friends, strangers the street. I've come to love them all!

I love you all!
Love, 包姐妹

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