Sunday, January 5, 2020

Playing hard and Working Harder


I hope you all have had an amazing past week! This week has been crazy good and crazy tiring!

Our district has been working overly hard to set high goals and working to achieve them! My companion and I have literally been talking to everyone, and all while sharing the Book of Mormon. It's been to come home absolutely exhausted but wake up the next morning overly excited to do it all over again.

Below are pictures from last pday when we went shopping with Sister Lin and Sister Yen. Also pictures with a couple of the members we visited this week, and our pday today! Today we went to the national park Taroko with our members Kailin and YangKai, it was absolutely gorgeous!

Fun story about the picture with the mom and son: after church on Sunday we were in the foyer talking to a member when this mom and her son walk through the parking lot, I ask the member if she knows them and when she told me she had no idea I had the strongest impression to go talk to them. I left mid conversation to go talk to them, they were visiting from one of my old areas (Yilan) and they thought our church was cool so they decided to walk by. I asked if we could give them a tour and they readily agreed! They were both absolutely adorable! We got their phone number and she said she would think about meeting with the Sisters in Yilan! Miracles!

I hope you have a great week! 