Monday, June 3, 2019

9 Months & Space!


I can't believe how fast time has flown by! I feel like it was only a couple weeks ago I left the MTC, and now I'm at my half way mark! Another transfer has come and gone, Sister Player and I will be staying another transfer together in Yilan! We have had such a good time together and I've learned a lot! Sister Player is all about making things fun, so with every activity we do she makes sure we are having fun! She has definitely made me laugh a lot this transfer!

This week we have really focused on finding some less active members. We biked to a city called Yuanshan it's absolutely gorgeous!

We tried finding a specific address and got a little confused. So I went and asked a guy pulling weeds if he knew the address. He told us yes and asked who we were looking for, we told him and asked if he knew her. He gave us this big smile and said "I know her very well". We must have looked confused because he then told us it was his wife! Haha it was funny and we laughed about it as he went to see if she was home. Sadly she wasn't, but he welcomed to come back sometime!

We started teaching a lady named 陳玟妤 (Chen MinYu), she is a member referral and is absolutely amazing! She has the biggest desire to understand God and what kind of relationship she can have with him. She asks such good questions that Sister Player and I really need to think about. When we first met with her she wasn't overly willing to come to church. However, we met with her again and after both us and her member friends bore testimony of how church helps us better meet Heavenly Father she was willing to give it a try! I've left both lessons feeling more edified than I walked in!

Our Saturday English class was so much fun! Sister Player and I taught about Space! We had them draw their very own aliens and then describe them to us. We also gave them a planet and they had only could only take 3 things with them, it was so funny! A cute mom Rebecca and her daughter Ginny went to a jungle planet and they took food, candy and water with them. Ann and I went to a planet covered in volcanoes and only had bugs on it so we took ice water, sunscreen and sandwhichs with us. Then Willy and his mom Florence went to a planet that is always raining and has fish in the sky they took fire, umbrellas and arrows. I love our English classes!

Sunday we had stake conference so we got to go to Taipei! A less Active member came with us, her name is Sister Xu. It was so fun! When a member saw her they got so excited and would come hug her! They all love her so much!


Love, Sister Porter 

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