Monday, November 19, 2018

Adventures, Adventures and more Adventures

你們好! 我愛你們!❤

I have loved being in Taiwan and being a missionary! I'm still getting the hang of everything, but it's been an adventure doing so!

- today we got lunch with some of the other sisters (shout to Sister Griffin!) And got stuff ready for the rest of the week.

- Tuesday & Wednesday we got to go on exchanges with our STLs (Sister Training Leaders)! They were absolutely amazing! It was a really cool experience because I was able to see how somebody else did missionary work and get their perspective on things.

- Thursday I taught English class by myself again, it was 100X times better! We talked about emotions, and we sang if your happy and you know it the kids and the parents were getting into it. I wish I had taken pictures! Next time I will for sure!

- Friday we taught a couple different lessons, one was with a girl named Angel. She is about 16 and is trying to find the religion that fits her best, we extended the invite for her to be baptized and she accepted! She is amazing and I'm so excited to watch her continue to grow!

- Saturday we spent almost the whole day at the Chapel because our district/zone had 3 baptisms! We had the opportunity to sing at them. Its really amazing how much love you feel for people you've never met be baptized. I'm pretty sure I teared up at all of the baptisms because I could feel how happy God is for them.

- Sunday was a good day, we were at church from 8:00am until 3:00pm because of all the meetings. We had ward council and it was amazing because the whole time we talked about missionary work! Our whole ward wants to help so much that its amazing! Almost all of them if not all of them are converts to the church, and they love to share their stories and help others! I don't know what we do without our memebers! They also are constantly making me laugh because they can't pronounce the 'r' in my name so they call me Sister Potter, or some of the men in the world call me Sister Harry Potter. They think it's pretty funny!

Throughout the whole it was a pretty good week, there were times where I hit a tad bit of a bump in the road but I was able to get over it because of my Heavenly Father. I find myself praying more and more every day because I honestly can't do it without him! My testimony of prayer has grown so much in these past couple of weeks! I testify that he is there and he listens to us! And he will give us the answers that will help us the most. We don't always understand the answers right in that moment but that's ok because we learn to Trust God!

I love this Gospel! I love being a missionary! I love the opportunity I have to grow closer to my Savior through sharing his work!

I love you all so much!

Love, Sister Porter   包姐妹

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