Jill's mission president's wife posted these pictures on the Family Facebook page..
A Grand huanning to our new batch of fine 19 chuanjiao shimen! Love them already!
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Jill is in Taiwan!!!
Dear Porter Family,
Sister Peterson and I are delighted to let you know that your daughter , Sister Jill Elizabeth Porter , has arrived in Taiwan safely and is doing well. The day following her arrival was spent in orientation, training, and getting to know her . We had a wonderful lunch with the new missionaries and their training companions.
I had the opportunity of interviewing Sister Porter and am very impressed with her desire to serve. Thank you for sending us such a wonderful young person. Truly, She is a fine example of an enthusiastic servant of the Lord. We send our love to you and promise to watch after your daughter as though she were our own. Sister Peterson and I have been called to lead this mission by ministering to our missionaries. We have been praying for them since they received their call to work in the Taipei Taiwan Mission.
The missionary work is very focused. Missionaries should write home once a week to stay in close touch. In addition, I strongly suggest that you diligently write weekly to keep in touch with your missionary as well. If an emergency arises please call the Mission Office (Tel: 011-886-2-2393-3285 direct from the US) and leave a message, or contact us through the mission e-mail address (2019353@ldschurch.org).
The monthly money that the missionaries receive is sufficient for their needs. Please do not send extra money for your daughter unless requested. If money needs to be sent to your daughter , we suggest you open a bank account and send your missionary an ATM or debit card. This provides fast and easy access to money from the many teller machines available in Taiwan.
May the Lord bless you and your family through the service of your missionary daughter .
Yours Sincerely,
President Michael L. Peterson
Taiwan Taipei Mission
Sister Peterson and I are delighted to let you know that your daughter , Sister Jill Elizabeth Porter , has arrived in Taiwan safely and is doing well. The day following her arrival was spent in orientation, training, and getting to know her . We had a wonderful lunch with the new missionaries and their training companions.
I had the opportunity of interviewing Sister Porter and am very impressed with her desire to serve. Thank you for sending us such a wonderful young person. Truly, She is a fine example of an enthusiastic servant of the Lord. We send our love to you and promise to watch after your daughter as though she were our own. Sister Peterson and I have been called to lead this mission by ministering to our missionaries. We have been praying for them since they received their call to work in the Taipei Taiwan Mission.
The missionary work is very focused. Missionaries should write home once a week to stay in close touch. In addition, I strongly suggest that you diligently write weekly to keep in touch with your missionary as well. If an emergency arises please call the Mission Office (Tel: 011-886-2-2393-3285 direct from the US) and leave a message, or contact us through the mission e-mail address (2019353@ldschurch.org).
The monthly money that the missionaries receive is sufficient for their needs. Please do not send extra money for your daughter unless requested. If money needs to be sent to your daughter , we suggest you open a bank account and send your missionary an ATM or debit card. This provides fast and easy access to money from the many teller machines available in Taiwan.
May the Lord bless you and your family through the service of your missionary daughter .
Yours Sincerely,
President Michael L. Peterson
Taiwan Taipei Mission
Monday, October 29, 2018
Jill @ Airport in Salt Lake City
Jill left the MTC on Monday, October 29, 2018 and flew out of Salt Lake City. Coincidentally, Jared was flying into Salt Lake from a business trip on the same day. So Jared was able to meet up with Jill at the airport. He was able to take her to get some dinner and let her use his phone to video chat with those of not lucky enough to see her.
We Leave in Less than a hour!!!!
Nimen hao!
I'm sorry there isn't really an email this week, we leave for Taiwan today!!! I'm stoked and couldn't be more excited!
I love you all! Next email will be from Taiwan!
Bao Jiemei
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Monday, October 22, 2018
One Week Left
Nimen hao!
If you can believe it or not my time at the MTC is almost over. We received our travel plans this last week, so if we get our visas (fingers crossed) we leave on Monday the 29th! I still can't believe how fast time is going, I know it's the typical missionary saying but it is so true! I've been so blessed to have been in the MTC for 9 weeks, I've learned so much both Chinese and the Spirit.
First the funny things of the week:
1. We've started talking to each other in Chinese using a Southern Accent, if you hear it you would think its funny too.
2. The day we were supposed to get our travel plans my entire district throughout the day kept playing off that they got them... I was gullible enough to believe it every time.
3. At one of night classes we were playing a game to help us memorize some phrases that involved competitive rock, paper, scissors. We got really into that the class on the floor under us came up and asked us if we could calm down, opps.. but hey we memorized those phrases.
4. One of Elders has started doing impersonations of everyone, it is hilarious!
5. As our Sunday movie we went a watched 'Legacy' because it is one of my favorites and the other sisters in my district had never seen it. If you haven't seen it is about a girl who is living through the time of Joseph Smith and travels West. Its cheesey in some places, and it is also kind of a love story so whenever there was any flirting, etc. that showed almost all the missionaries just let out this big "ohhhh" haha it was just super funny.
This last week I've been able to look back on my time here at the MTC and it has been a roller coaster! I've had good days and bad days but I've really come to love them all! There is a quote by Marjorie Pay Hinckley that I've just loved this past week "Everything you are learning now is preparing you for something else". This is so true! I've really come to recognize that everything happens for a reason. I may not understand it right now but maybe one day I will. That is the attitude I've tried having these last couple of days and the difference has blown me away. I don't understand everything but I'm accepting everything and working with what I have.
Last night we had an amazing devotional by one of the Branch Presidents and his wife. They talked a lot about Preach My Gospel, our purpose and our MTC District. I just want to take a second to brag about my MTC district. I absolutely adore them! We've grown so much together! This is our last week all together until who knows when and it breaks my heart. Our Mongolian Elders is serving in Hong Kong, our Australian Elder is going back to Australia for his ACL surgery on Monday. They've really become my family and I'm so grateful for them!
I love you all! Hopefully the next email you get from me I'll be on my way to Taiwan!
Bao Jiemei
Sister Porter
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Jill's really good friend, Hannah, from SUU entered the MTC about a month after Jill did.
I'm sure this was a happy moment when they found each other at the MTC!
Friday, October 19, 2018
Travel Plans!
Greetings Sister Porter:
Your training at the Provo MTC is nearing completion. We hope you have found your time here inspiring and productive. Attached you will find your itinerary for travel to your mission. Please read over the information carefully. The attachment includes your airline(s) and flight information along with luggage allowances. We recommend forwarding this information to your family so they will know your travel plans. There is no need to print this itinerary. Please note the check out time and you will receive a copy of the itinerary when you depart. If you have questions, please come to the Travel Office in T4-136 between the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Sincerely, MTC Travel Team
Your training at the Provo MTC is nearing completion. We hope you have found your time here inspiring and productive. Attached you will find your itinerary for travel to your mission. Please read over the information carefully. The attachment includes your airline(s) and flight information along with luggage allowances. We recommend forwarding this information to your family so they will know your travel plans. There is no need to print this itinerary. Please note the check out time and you will receive a copy of the itinerary when you depart. If you have questions, please come to the Travel Office in T4-136 between the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Sincerely, MTC Travel Team
Monday, October 15, 2018
10-15-2018 Pictures
1. Our cute zone at the temple this morning
2. We had to take a picture with the snow because it was my comps first time seeing it
3. All 4 districts before the oldest district left
4. Us with the oldest Jiemeis the night they left
Huo xulian (fire drill)
Nimen Hao!
Another week has come and gone. We only have two weeks left at the MTC! I've loved my time here at the MTC and I'm going to miss it, especially my amazing district. However, I am super excited to get to Taiwan! We get our travel plans this Friday, and we are all feeling pretty confident that we will get our visas (knock on wood).
Some highlights from the week
1. Huo xulian! We had a fire drill on Friday after our exercise time. We had a few Sisters that were still in the shower when it happened, it was a little rough for some people. But it was also slightly funny.
2. We had our first skype TRC last Monday. We were able to teach a lesson to a lady who lives in Taiwan! I was a little nervous at first but when I got into the lesson it went really well! We get to do another one tonight!
3. We also started our in person TRC this week. My comp and I are teaching a girl named YiRu. She is from Taiwan but is at BYU studying English. She is just so sweet, and patient with my companion and me. We've taught her the first lesson, and how to pray. We are teaching her the Plan of Salvation this week, it will be great!
4. I learned how to write my name in characters this week so that was cool!
5. Our oldest district left this morning at 2:00 a.m. they are serving in the Taiwan, Taichung Mission. They are going to do soooo good! I already miss them like crazy, they became like family.
6. I had the opportunity to speak in Sacrament meeting this week in Chinese! Such an amazing experience because I wrote my talk out of course but I had to look up a few words that I didn't know. However, during my talk I realized that I was pronouncing every word correctly even with the tones! I know it's super simple but it was such a tender mercy for me.
My spiritual thoughts for the week:
Our Tuesday night Devotional we had Sister Bonnie H. Cordon and her husband speak to us. Absolutely amazing! Brother Cordon talked to us about how the Lord helped assign us our calls, he knows us and knows what we are able to accomplish. He also shared the scripture 2 Nephi 27:23. This scripture has a special place in my heart because it is the scripture that changed my mission. I think it was my 2nd or 3rd week here and I was struggling, I didn't understand the language and I didn't understand why I wasn't understanding. In my personal study I came across this verse and that is when it hit me. God is a God of miracles, and he blesses us by our faith. My faith in him was very little, and I knew that moment I needed to change. I prayed to my Heavenly Father to forgive me and to help me have more faith. He has! I know that if we have faith he will help us do all things! "I have not been called to do an easy work, but it is MY work" -Elder Keys
D&C 84:77. Christ is talking in the moment and he calls them his friends. And tells them to become like his friends when he was on earth traveling and teaching his gospel. One of our amazing teachers shared this thought with us, "Christ calls you his friend, he has invited you to become his friend. What are you doing to be Christ's friend?" I just loved this! Who wouldn't want Christ as their friend?!? So this last week I've been working on developing Christ-like attributes.
Which leads me to my last spiritual thought I will share. Last night we had another amazing devotional from Brother and Sister Weidman. They talked about Charity and showing charity for others. They told us that one way to gain charity is to serve Christ. "Do what you do for the Lord, do it out of love" It really made me stop and ask myself is everything I'm doing our of love for the Lord? What can I do to make it that way? It has helped me really think about the things I do during the day and if it isn't something that will benefit someone I don't do it. It really has helped me center my life to Christ.
Wo ai nimen! You are all amazing! I hope you all know that I love this gospel with my whole heart and soul! It's true, I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet and restored this church to the Earth. I know that Russel M. Nelson is a living Prophet today and he receives revelations directly from God. I love the Book of Mormon, my testimony has grown so much from studying it!
Love you all!
Bao Jiemei
Sister Porter
Monday, October 8, 2018
Translations from Mandarin
Nimen Hao!
Hello everyone
Wo ai nimen,
I love you all
Wo xiangnian nimen.
I miss you all
Wo wei nimen qidao.
I’m praying for you all
Hello everyone
Wo ai nimen,
I love you all
Wo xiangnian nimen.
I miss you all
Wo wei nimen qidao.
I’m praying for you all
Keep Climbing the Mountain
Nimen Hao!
Wo ai nimen, Wo xiangnian nimen. Wo wei nimen qidao.
This week has just been amazing, I've learned so much. Before I get to the spiritual stuff here are some of the big things that happened this week.
1. Our Mongolian Elder tried quoting Matthew 14:31 and instead of saying "oh ye" he said "oh yeah". And none of us can quote it correctly without laughing.
2. Our Mongolian Elder also broke part of his foot so he is in a boot. (yes someone in my district has gotten hurt at least once a week)
3. We are now the oldest district in the zone... we leave the MTC in 3 weeks! It's going by so fast!
4. One of Elders ate his chick'fil'a with plastic gloves on Monday so that was interesting.
5. We got all of our Elders matching ties and took "family photos"
6. We learned two very important sayings in Mandarin, first one: "bihnm dou" which is flip the table in exasperation. Second: "Wo shou bu liao" which is I literally can't even. Our teachers probably regret teaching us that but there is no turning back now.
7. Sitting here emailing and a random Elder just told his comp that whenever he writes satan's name he never capitalizes it. His comp responds "ohh got him".
Now on to the spiritual stuff. I have had so many amazing experiences this past week it has been a blessing. My experience here at the MTC and for my mission in general is like climbing a mountain. My first today here was when you are at the bottom of the Mountain looking up to the top asking yourself how am I going to get to the top. But you start on your hike anyways. I know that these next 17 months are going to fly by. That will be when I reach the top of the mountain and look back down and ask where has all the time gone? The view at the top will be absolutely amazing and worth every bruise and scrape I got on the way. Currently I am part way up the mountain, I can't see the top of the mountain anymore and I've gone too far to turn back now. On this hike I have two options. 1. look down at my feet and just keep thinking to myself how long and hard this hike is. OR 2. Look and enjoy all the beautiful scenery around me, get to know the people I'm traveling with and encourage the people around me making sure they don't give up. We are all traveling on this mountain of life and we are all at the part where we can't see the top anymore. It can be discouraging at times, I have felt those discouraging times. But I want to promise you that looking up and seeing the beauty around you is so much better than just looking at your feet. LOOK UP! See the visible and hidden beauties God has put in your path. Get to know the people you are hiking with (family, friends, coworkers, strangers) they are all so unique and you will be blessed for getting to know them. Learn to love them because when you do you will do anything for them to make sure they get to the top of the mountain. Serve them, help them, carry them if you have to.
There have been a couple of times that I've tripped and bruised myself, but every time I have fallen there has been someone to help me back up. I have seen so many beautiful things this past week. Here are some of them.
I've been studying the book of Mosiah this past week. I absolutely love it! The two parts that stood out to me the most are chapter 4 verses 16-27 and chapter 5 verse 12-13. The one found in chapter 4 talks about how we shouldn't be judging others if they have less than us because we are all beggars. It's so true! So instead of tearing others down help lift them up! Do everything in your power to help them. But also in verse 27 it says something about how God doesn't require man to run faster than he has strength for. Know that whatever God asks of you he knows you can do. The second one talks about how we need to always have Christ's name written on our hearts. I have the privilege for the next 17 months to have his name on my chest everyday. You don't need a name tag to have his name on your heart, if you act the way he would, love/serve others the way he would, talk the way he would you will have his name written on your heart.
We taught one of our teachers this last week about the Restoration of the Gospel. I had the opportunity to recite the first vision to him in Chinese. I was able to get through it without messing up once. But that wasn't even the cool part! The spirit was so strong in that room, both my companion and I were crying while we shared our testimonies with him. My Mandarin is limited but through what I was able to say the Holy Ghost was able to testify. It truly was amazing, I can't even find words to describe it.
The last one I want to share is about General Conference. How amazing was that!?! I loved every minute of it! I'm so excited for the 12 new temples! I'm excited for the new church schedule, I think it will bless families immensely! All of the talks were just amazing! But I had 3 that I just absolutely loved. 1. Elder Rasband's talk about not fearing. I've been working on strengthening my faith in Christ, everything he said was answer to my questions. 2. Elder Andersen's talk about how the Savior can heal every and any wounded soul. I loved this talk so much because the Savior has healed my soul many times and I know he will continue to do so for the rest of my life. I also loved it because that is my purpose as a missionary! To invite others to come unto Christ so he can heal their wounded souls! I know he can/will heal you if you turn to him and ask. 3. Elder Stevenson's about helping the Shepherd tend to his flock. The lord requires our help to keep his sheep safe, what an opportunity! I have so much love for the people in Taiwan already! I can't wait to go and serve them. But I'm also loving all the opportunities I have here at the MTC to serve others.
We are so lucky to live in a time when there is living Prophets on the earth! I will stop babbling now. I just want all of you to know that I love this church and my love for it grows everyday! Keep Climbing the Mountain, the view is beautiful at the top but it is just as beautiful on your way up.
Love you all!
Bao Jie Mei
Wo ai nimen, Wo xiangnian nimen. Wo wei nimen qidao.
This week has just been amazing, I've learned so much. Before I get to the spiritual stuff here are some of the big things that happened this week.
1. Our Mongolian Elder tried quoting Matthew 14:31 and instead of saying "oh ye" he said "oh yeah". And none of us can quote it correctly without laughing.
2. Our Mongolian Elder also broke part of his foot so he is in a boot. (yes someone in my district has gotten hurt at least once a week)
3. We are now the oldest district in the zone... we leave the MTC in 3 weeks! It's going by so fast!
4. One of Elders ate his chick'fil'a with plastic gloves on Monday so that was interesting.
5. We got all of our Elders matching ties and took "family photos"
6. We learned two very important sayings in Mandarin, first one: "bihnm dou" which is flip the table in exasperation. Second: "Wo shou bu liao" which is I literally can't even. Our teachers probably regret teaching us that but there is no turning back now.
7. Sitting here emailing and a random Elder just told his comp that whenever he writes satan's name he never capitalizes it. His comp responds "ohh got him".
Now on to the spiritual stuff. I have had so many amazing experiences this past week it has been a blessing. My experience here at the MTC and for my mission in general is like climbing a mountain. My first today here was when you are at the bottom of the Mountain looking up to the top asking yourself how am I going to get to the top. But you start on your hike anyways. I know that these next 17 months are going to fly by. That will be when I reach the top of the mountain and look back down and ask where has all the time gone? The view at the top will be absolutely amazing and worth every bruise and scrape I got on the way. Currently I am part way up the mountain, I can't see the top of the mountain anymore and I've gone too far to turn back now. On this hike I have two options. 1. look down at my feet and just keep thinking to myself how long and hard this hike is. OR 2. Look and enjoy all the beautiful scenery around me, get to know the people I'm traveling with and encourage the people around me making sure they don't give up. We are all traveling on this mountain of life and we are all at the part where we can't see the top anymore. It can be discouraging at times, I have felt those discouraging times. But I want to promise you that looking up and seeing the beauty around you is so much better than just looking at your feet. LOOK UP! See the visible and hidden beauties God has put in your path. Get to know the people you are hiking with (family, friends, coworkers, strangers) they are all so unique and you will be blessed for getting to know them. Learn to love them because when you do you will do anything for them to make sure they get to the top of the mountain. Serve them, help them, carry them if you have to.
There have been a couple of times that I've tripped and bruised myself, but every time I have fallen there has been someone to help me back up. I have seen so many beautiful things this past week. Here are some of them.
I've been studying the book of Mosiah this past week. I absolutely love it! The two parts that stood out to me the most are chapter 4 verses 16-27 and chapter 5 verse 12-13. The one found in chapter 4 talks about how we shouldn't be judging others if they have less than us because we are all beggars. It's so true! So instead of tearing others down help lift them up! Do everything in your power to help them. But also in verse 27 it says something about how God doesn't require man to run faster than he has strength for. Know that whatever God asks of you he knows you can do. The second one talks about how we need to always have Christ's name written on our hearts. I have the privilege for the next 17 months to have his name on my chest everyday. You don't need a name tag to have his name on your heart, if you act the way he would, love/serve others the way he would, talk the way he would you will have his name written on your heart.
We taught one of our teachers this last week about the Restoration of the Gospel. I had the opportunity to recite the first vision to him in Chinese. I was able to get through it without messing up once. But that wasn't even the cool part! The spirit was so strong in that room, both my companion and I were crying while we shared our testimonies with him. My Mandarin is limited but through what I was able to say the Holy Ghost was able to testify. It truly was amazing, I can't even find words to describe it.
The last one I want to share is about General Conference. How amazing was that!?! I loved every minute of it! I'm so excited for the 12 new temples! I'm excited for the new church schedule, I think it will bless families immensely! All of the talks were just amazing! But I had 3 that I just absolutely loved. 1. Elder Rasband's talk about not fearing. I've been working on strengthening my faith in Christ, everything he said was answer to my questions. 2. Elder Andersen's talk about how the Savior can heal every and any wounded soul. I loved this talk so much because the Savior has healed my soul many times and I know he will continue to do so for the rest of my life. I also loved it because that is my purpose as a missionary! To invite others to come unto Christ so he can heal their wounded souls! I know he can/will heal you if you turn to him and ask. 3. Elder Stevenson's about helping the Shepherd tend to his flock. The lord requires our help to keep his sheep safe, what an opportunity! I have so much love for the people in Taiwan already! I can't wait to go and serve them. But I'm also loving all the opportunities I have here at the MTC to serve others.
We are so lucky to live in a time when there is living Prophets on the earth! I will stop babbling now. I just want all of you to know that I love this church and my love for it grows everyday! Keep Climbing the Mountain, the view is beautiful at the top but it is just as beautiful on your way up.
Love you all!
Bao Jie Mei
Monday, October 1, 2018
10-1-2018 Pictures
1. Our amazing zone at the temple yesterday
2. The best district in the MTC
3. Our zone the night before Sister Ayre left
4. My Jiemeis at the temple this morning
5. Sister Griffin skinned herself while shaving so of course I use my over the top first aid skills to help her out. Yes the gloves were necessary.
6




5. Sister Griffin skinned herself while shaving so of course I use my over the top first aid skills to help her out. Yes the gloves were necessary.



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