Another week has come and gone. We only have two weeks left at the MTC! I've loved my time here at the MTC and I'm going to miss it, especially my amazing district. However, I am super excited to get to Taiwan! We get our travel plans this Friday, and we are all feeling pretty confident that we will get our visas (knock on wood).
Some highlights from the week
1. Huo xulian! We had a fire drill on Friday after our exercise time. We had a few Sisters that were still in the shower when it happened, it was a little rough for some people. But it was also slightly funny.
2. We had our first skype TRC last Monday. We were able to teach a lesson to a lady who lives in Taiwan! I was a little nervous at first but when I got into the lesson it went really well! We get to do another one tonight!
3. We also started our in person TRC this week. My comp and I are teaching a girl named YiRu. She is from Taiwan but is at BYU studying English. She is just so sweet, and patient with my companion and me. We've taught her the first lesson, and how to pray. We are teaching her the Plan of Salvation this week, it will be great!
4. I learned how to write my name in characters this week so that was cool!
5. Our oldest district left this morning at 2:00 a.m. they are serving in the Taiwan, Taichung Mission. They are going to do soooo good! I already miss them like crazy, they became like family.
6. I had the opportunity to speak in Sacrament meeting this week in Chinese! Such an amazing experience because I wrote my talk out of course but I had to look up a few words that I didn't know. However, during my talk I realized that I was pronouncing every word correctly even with the tones! I know it's super simple but it was such a tender mercy for me.
My spiritual thoughts for the week:
Our Tuesday night Devotional we had Sister Bonnie H. Cordon and her husband speak to us. Absolutely amazing! Brother Cordon talked to us about how the Lord helped assign us our calls, he knows us and knows what we are able to accomplish. He also shared the scripture 2 Nephi 27:23. This scripture has a special place in my heart because it is the scripture that changed my mission. I think it was my 2nd or 3rd week here and I was struggling, I didn't understand the language and I didn't understand why I wasn't understanding. In my personal study I came across this verse and that is when it hit me. God is a God of miracles, and he blesses us by our faith. My faith in him was very little, and I knew that moment I needed to change. I prayed to my Heavenly Father to forgive me and to help me have more faith. He has! I know that if we have faith he will help us do all things! "I have not been called to do an easy work, but it is MY work" -Elder Keys
D&C 84:77. Christ is talking in the moment and he calls them his friends. And tells them to become like his friends when he was on earth traveling and teaching his gospel. One of our amazing teachers shared this thought with us, "Christ calls you his friend, he has invited you to become his friend. What are you doing to be Christ's friend?" I just loved this! Who wouldn't want Christ as their friend?!? So this last week I've been working on developing Christ-like attributes.
Which leads me to my last spiritual thought I will share. Last night we had another amazing devotional from Brother and Sister Weidman. They talked about Charity and showing charity for others. They told us that one way to gain charity is to serve Christ. "Do what you do for the Lord, do it out of love" It really made me stop and ask myself is everything I'm doing our of love for the Lord? What can I do to make it that way? It has helped me really think about the things I do during the day and if it isn't something that will benefit someone I don't do it. It really has helped me center my life to Christ.
Wo ai nimen! You are all amazing! I hope you all know that I love this gospel with my whole heart and soul! It's true, I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet and restored this church to the Earth. I know that Russel M. Nelson is a living Prophet today and he receives revelations directly from God. I love the Book of Mormon, my testimony has grown so much from studying it!
Love you all!
Bao Jiemei
Sister Porter
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