Monday, October 22, 2018

One Week Left

Nimen hao! If you can believe it or not my time at the MTC is almost over. We received our travel plans this last week, so if we get our visas (fingers crossed) we leave on Monday the 29th! I still can't believe how fast time is going, I know it's the typical missionary saying but it is so true! I've been so blessed to have been in the MTC for 9 weeks, I've learned so much both Chinese and the Spirit. First the funny things of the week: 1. We've started talking to each other in Chinese using a Southern Accent, if you hear it you would think its funny too. 2. The day we were supposed to get our travel plans my entire district throughout the day kept playing off that they got them... I was gullible enough to believe it every time. 3. At one of night classes we were playing a game to help us memorize some phrases that involved competitive rock, paper, scissors. We got really into that the class on the floor under us came up and asked us if we could calm down, opps.. but hey we memorized those phrases. 4. One of Elders has started doing impersonations of everyone, it is hilarious! 5. As our Sunday movie we went a watched 'Legacy' because it is one of my favorites and the other sisters in my district had never seen it. If you haven't seen it is about a girl who is living through the time of Joseph Smith and travels West. Its cheesey in some places, and it is also kind of a love story so whenever there was any flirting, etc. that showed almost all the missionaries just let out this big "ohhhh" haha it was just super funny. This last week I've been able to look back on my time here at the MTC and it has been a roller coaster! I've had good days and bad days but I've really come to love them all! There is a quote by Marjorie Pay Hinckley that I've just loved this past week "Everything you are learning now is preparing you for something else". This is so true! I've really come to recognize that everything happens for a reason. I may not understand it right now but maybe one day I will. That is the attitude I've tried having these last couple of days and the difference has blown me away. I don't understand everything but I'm accepting everything and working with what I have. Last night we had an amazing devotional by one of the Branch Presidents and his wife. They talked a lot about Preach My Gospel, our purpose and our MTC District. I just want to take a second to brag about my MTC district. I absolutely adore them! We've grown so much together! This is our last week all together until who knows when and it breaks my heart. Our Mongolian Elders is serving in Hong Kong, our Australian Elder is going back to Australia for his ACL surgery on Monday. They've really become my family and I'm so grateful for them! I love you all! Hopefully the next email you get from me I'll be on my way to Taiwan! Love, Bao Jiemei Sister Porter

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