Sunday, December 8, 2019

Christmas cards and a cold

Hello Everyone! 
I can't believe it's already the 2nd week of December. Time goes by so fast! This week has been a good one!

We had exchanges with our amazing Sisters Dalton and Sister Lin in Taidong. I just love them so much! I went with Sister Lin who is one of the most bubbly I've ever met and is absolutely adorable! We literally talked to everyone, and I don't think there was a single person who walked way not smiling. She helps everyone feels loved, it was so fun being her companion for a day.

Both my companion and I have been fighting a cold this week, there was a day this week that neither of us could talk which made things rough but we got through it! 

We have been working like crazy to get all of our Christmas cards and cookies down to deliver to our members. It took absolutely forever hand writing everything, but it was so worth it! As we started delivering it them they were so touched. Everyone has loved the cards so far and that makes us all so happy. 

Missionary work isn't easy and has its hard parts. This week had some amazing highlights but also its rough patches. I've had a lot of time to think about why would we need to struggle when we are trying to do so much good. As I have pondered and read half a million Conference talks I've learned how God prepares us for the better. There will be times we get cut low and we feel like we've lost everything we've grown to be, but it's when we are at this low that we learn God's true plan for us and that's better than where we were before. 
I truly believe through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can change and grow to become the best version of ourselves. It won't be an easy path and there will be moments we fall down from the pressure, but that's only because God is helping us remember we need to get down to our knees to ask what He needs us to do next.

I hope you all have an amazing week, and remember to Light the world!

Love you all!
Sister Porter

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